Cast Iron Sewer Line Replacement in Escondido

Client Residential Client
Completed November 2024
Location Escondido
A homeowner experienced significant issues with their plumbing, including a shower backup and leaking near the garage. After inspecting the plumbing system, we identified a need for a complete replacement of the cast iron sewer drain pipes in the crawl space, a portion of which we previously upgraded last year.
Our solution involved removing the old cast iron pipes and installing approximately 20 feet of 3-inch ABS pipe and 45 feet of 2-inch ABS pipe, connecting it all to the main ABS line. We replaced the toilet flanges in both bathrooms with new wax rings and applied a secure caulk seal. Additional work included updating the master bathroom sanitary tee, replacing remaining cast iron in the hallway bathroom vanity, and attaching new ABS up to the existing vent lines. For clean and thorough results, we also removed and disposed of all cast iron pipes within the crawl space.