5 Signs Your Grease Trap Needs Replacement

Since their invention back in the Victorian Era, the grease trap has kept our pipes from clogging due to fat and grease build-up. Grease traps are in every restaurant kitchen, and advances in technology made them more efficient in trapping animal fats and vegetable oils. Having a grease trap is great, but you can’t set it and forget it; you also need to clean it!

Maintaining your grease trap increases the life of the equipment and keeps your occasional grease trap repair costs down. Get your traps an industrial cleaning once or twice a year, and your trap will last a long time. Sometimes, though, your grease trap needs replacement.

Even with regular cleaning, you’ll notice certain signs that point to the fact that you’ll need a new grease trap soon. Clogged pipes and terrible odors are only where it starts. Read on for five signs your grease trap needs replacement.

1. Foul Odors

Food waste settles at the bottom of the tank and decomposes. Then your tank starts to smell. Once that happens, sulfuric acid that’s released can corrode the tank and lead to holes and leaks.

The only solution at that stage is to get a grease trap replacement. Get one that’s easy and fast to clean and doesn’t need much maintenance. And when it does need maintenance, make sure the new model has easily replaceable parts.

2. Overflows

An overflowing grease trap has something wrong with it. Once the overflowing starts, a host of new problems can float to the surface. Get a professional in to check it out fast and get a grease trap replacement.

3. Clogged Pipes

If a grease trap overflows from the main compartment into the secondary one, grease can flow into the pipes and clog them. Pipes clogged with grease restrict water movement throughout the rest of the system and cause more problems. The best way to fix this is to call in professional plumbing services.

4. Metal Grease Traps

If your restaurant grease trap is an old one, chances are it is metal. These types of grease traps are only good for seven years at most. They are prone to corrosion and rust and do cause other problems.

Get a grease trap replacement that is plastic. They last longer and do not corrode or rust. They are the standard-issue types of grease traps in use today.

5. Frequent Pumping

If you need to pump and clean your grease trap more than once a month, it’s a sign there’s something wrong with your grease trap. Pumping out the tank more frequently means that the trap isn’t catching the grease in the way it should be. Getting a grease trap replacement is the best solution for this problem.

Get Your Grease Trap Replacement

A failing grease trap can have far-reaching consequences. It can lead to clogged pipes, slippery work areas, and fire hazards. Getting a grease trap replacement is the best solution for these situations.

Enjoy this article? Then don’t forget to contact Happy Plumbing to get your grease trap replaced today.