Tankless Water Heater Services in San Diego, CA

Most homes and business in San Diego are switching to tankless water heater technology. Tankless water heaters are efficient and reliable. Tankless water heaters are not only good for the environment they are also good for your pocket book. They are 24%–34% more energy efficient than conventional storage tank water heaters according to energy.gov

Happy Plumbing Inc. specializes in tankless water heater services. From tankless water heater flushes to new installations, we do it all at affordable prices. You can schedule your appointment online today.

Tankless Water Heater Services in San Diego, California (4762)

Types Of Tankless Water Heaters

There are 2 varieties of tankless water heaters: centrally-located entire house heaters, and point-of-use (POU) heaters for individual fixtures (or areas). What you choose depends on the water habits of your family, and the demands of the fixtures involved. Some will certainly opt to install point-of-use heaters to supplement a main unit, usually at components that utilize a lot of hot water or are far away from the central water heater (resulting in long waits for hot water). Whole house heaters work best in smaller to average-sized houses, however multiple units can be installed to satisfy the needs of much larger houses.

Tankless Water Heater Services in San Diego, California (2121)

Why Choose Happy Plumbing Inc.

  • Locally Owned & Operated
  • 24/7 Emergency Services
  • Licensed & Uniformed Technicians
  • 100+ 5-Star Google and Yelp Reviews
  • Upfront Estimates
  • Financing Available
  • Easy Online Appointments

Common Tankless Water Heater Problems

Tankless water heaters are a great investment. Not only are they highly efficient, but they can also save you money by heating water only on-demand. However sometimes uncommon, issues can arise if something isn’t working correctly within your water heater. Here are the most common ones

  1. Mineral Buildup
    Regardless of whether traditional or tankless, you need to keep an eye out for mineral buildup inside your water heater. Hard water is water with high mineral content, and the harder your water, the higher the potential for damaging mineral buildup. A tankless water heater flush will take care of this issue
  2. Overloading
    Depending on your tankless water heater's capacity, too many simultaneous hot water applications (such as multiple showers running) can overload your water heater. If this happens, you should reduce the demand for hot water by limiting simultaneous applications, and you may want to consider resetting your unit.
  3. Air Supply or Exhaust is Blocked
    For most tankless water heaters, the display with present an error code to inform you that your air supply or exhaust is blocked. This means your water heater is having issues with either combustion air or venting.
  4. Ignition Failure
    Often, this issue is caused by the gas supply, so check to make sure your propane tank is full before you do anything else. If your gas valve or water valves are not fully opened, this could also cause the ignition to fail.
  5. Flame Failure
    Flame Failure is generally caused by either a gas pressure problem or an electrical issue. Just like ignition failure, you should first rule out simple causes such as a low propane tank or an unpaid gas bill. Other possible causes of flame failure include a gas line that’s too small, regulator failure, combustion issues, venting, and more. Contact technical support for help with troubleshooting the issue further.
heat pump water heaters

Meet The Happy Plumbing Inc. Family

Happy Plumbing Inc. is a fully licensed and insured plumbing business servicing the San Diego, CA area. We offer a broad range of plumbing repairs, installation, and services in general. Finding a professional that is well-qualified, and offers rates that are competitive and relevant to the specific service needed, is one of the most important concerns we encounter with our customers. Happy Plumbing has an A+BBB Rating and 100+ 5-Star Google and Yelp customer reviews. Give us a call today at (619) 317-0600 to schedule your tankless water heater service.